How to Fix “Insufficient Output Amount”

How to Fix “Insufficient Output Amount” on PancakeSwap (2024)

Are you getting error messages on PancakeSwap when submitting a transaction? This guide will explain everything you need to know on how to Fix “Insufficient Output Amount” on PancakeSwap.

If you have used PancakeSwap, you likely have received the error “The transaction cannot succeed due to an error; “PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT.” This is a common issue when trading tokens using PancakeSwap, but what happens if you encounter this error when swapping tokens?

Let’s dive into this PancakeSwap tutorial and find out how to fix “Insufficient Output Amount” on PancakeSwap.

How to Fix Insufficient Output Amount on PancakeSwap?

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If you have noticed the error“Insufficient Output Amount” when making a swap on PancakeSwap, the likely cause is the low slippage tolerance. The solution to fixing this PancakeSwap error is simple. You will need to increase the slippage tolerance from PancakeSwap’s default of 0.5 percent, which is low.

  1. Open PancakeSwap.Finance on either mobile or ‌desktop

    From the homepage, click on “Settings”.
  2. The settings menu has a slippage tolerance where you can choose your percentages.
  3. Manually change the slippage tolerance from the settings, enter the desired slippage, and click “Swap Tokens“.
  4. When you swap your tokens, you’ll see a message that says, “Your transaction may be front-run.”
  5. To proceed with the transaction, you must ignore the error and continue. The transaction will now go through.
“The transaction cannot succeed due to an error; "PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT.

What is Slippage Tolerance?

Slippage Tolerance refers to the price difference between the expected and executed swapping. Regardless of price change, it works as a boundary for the minimum and maximum tokens you can expect for a trade. Due to the high volatility of cryptocurrency, slippage is common on DEX exchanges like PancakeSwap, UniSwap, or 1INCH. 

If you have a low slippage tolerance, the transaction may fail, especially if there isn’t enough liquidity in the market.

PancakeSwap Slippage Tolerance

It’s important not to increase slippage tolerance on PancakeSwap too high, as your transaction may be front-run, and you won’t obtain a fair price.

How do you obtain a fair slippage tolerance?

This is difficult to say, as it depends on the market’s liquidity and volatility. PancakeSwap fees are low, so you can adjust the slippage amount in small increments until the transaction goes through.

Be cautious about doing this on Ethereum, as GAS fees are high.

What if the PancakeSwap Error Persists?

If you have tried to resolve the Pancakeswap “Insufficient Output Amount” error, there are a variety of other solutions you can try; 

  • Try using other browsers with MetaMask extension capability, such as Firefox.
  • Make sure the time and date settings on your device are correct. Few users reported that this resolved their problem.
  • Pressing shift and F5 simultaneously will ensure the most recent web page content is loaded.
  • Clear the cache in your browser’s settings.
  • Try other DEX websites, like UniSwap and BakerySwap. Also, check if the token is available on exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.

What is PancakeSwap?

Pancakeswap is a decentralized exchange, also known as a DEX and built on the Binance Smart Chain, offering usersfast transactions with low fees. PancakeSwap is a fork of the popular DEX UniSwap, which is built on Ethereum.

To use PancakeSwap exchange, you will need to connect a supported wallet, including; MetaMaskTrust wallet and Binance Chain Wallet.

What is PancakeSwap?


The PancakeSwap “insufficient output amount” error occurs when traders are hesitant to swap tokens at a loss. If you choose to increase slippage tolerance to high, you must accept a ‌larger price differences on swapping. Before establishing a slippage tolerance, consider a variety of other factors such as price volatility and the state of liquidity pools.

Also, please make sure you doyour own research when purchasing any cryptocurrency.

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